When You Don't Get What You Want
This week, I cried. Tears of sadness, disappointment, frustration and anger fell down my face, when I didn't get something that I really wanted.
You see, I decided a few months ago that it was time for me to buy my own place again; a house that the kids and I could call home. I quickly found the house I wanted, signed the contract, but it all fell through. It’s just not going to happen.
Has this happened to you recently? Has there been something that you really wanted that you just couldn’t get? Maybe it was a new job that you applied for or a promotion in your workplace. Maybe it was in your love life, when you really wanted someone, but they didn’t want you back. Not getting what you want can be tough.
I believe in perseverance (see last week’s vlog). When you really want something, you need to focus on it, get a plan in place and put in the work hard to achieve it. However, I also believe that there can come a point when you need to put your hands up and call it. Enough. This is when you’ve done everything that you’re able and willing to do to achieve the goal. It's not about giving up but merely changing how you are going to win the game!
This week, the following quote by Kerry Washington, made sense to me:
“I believe that if I want something, God has three answers. It’s either Yes; Yes but not right now; or No because I have something better in store for you.”
When you don’t get something you want, it might just be the case that you were meant for something else or it’s not yet the right time but this doesn’t give you permission to sit back and completely surrender, just the opposite in fact. I think it’s actually a time when you need to dig deeper, self-reflect and find an opportunity for yourself.
When you don’t get something you want, it’s time to:
Remind yourself of your magic and your inner strength.
Accept what you cannot control.
Practice gratitude for what's right in your life and focus on what you do have.
Reassess your goals. What’s next?
Check your self-belief and self-talk. Make sure you are staying positive.
Look forward and take action.
You will not always get what you want. Life will not always follow your desired plan. Life is surprising and challenging. Change is inevitable. It’s ok to be disappointed, to have a cry, to scream out in frustration. Get it all out and then shift your perspective, knowing that it's the challenges in life that make you really savour the victories.
It's your resilience, perseverance, agility, and optimism will keep you moving forward and focussing on what’s next. Onward and upward my friend………
Midja x