The Power of Simplicity

This week I’m writing this blog surrounded by packing boxes. In just over a week’s time, we move house. We’ve lived here for 18 years, so it’s a very big job. Three storeys of ‘stuff’ slowly accumulated over the years. 

The ‘beach shack’ (as I’ve affectionately named it) that we are moving into is about one third of the size of this house, so we need to seriously declutter. We can only take so much stuff with us. So, as I make my way from room to room, cupboard to cupboard, I’ve been asking myself - what do I absolutely need and what do I absolutely love? 

I mean seriously, how many pairs of earrings do I need? Salad bowls? Scarves? Coffee cups? Notebooks? (each with 3 pages of writing in them?!?) 

For me, it’s been a big reminder of the power of simplicity. Getting back to basics and getting rid of everything else. 

Edward De Bono’s book Simplicity, is one of my favourite reads. This book was given to be many, many years ago by a mentor. It’s well-read and written in. In the book, De Bono writes ‘ complexity means distracted effort. Simplicity means focused effort.’ 

For me, I find myself getting distracted by the complexity and the busyness of life. And like many others I know, I’m beginning to question how I can live a more focussed yet simplifier life. 

Sometimes we can over analyse, over think and over complicate our lives. We fill our days with busyness and fill our homes with ‘stuff’. For what purpose? Happiness? Acceptance? Validation? Distraction? Maybe all of the these. 

Decluttering your home, your mind and your life will:

  • bring clarity and focus

  • increase your productivity 

  • give you a sense of peace and contentment

  • decrease your stress 

  • bring lightness to your body and mind

  • highlight and amplify what’s of the utmost importance in your life

  • remove all the noise and distraction

  • simplify your life!

So, this week as I keep clearing out this house and get ready to move, I’d like you to consider is there an aspect of your life that you want to simplify. Are you ready to feel lighter and focussed on what’s truly important? 

“Make it simple but significant”

- Don Draper

Happy Monday!

Midja x


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