How to Know If You’re Making the Move

So, this weekend I moved to a new house, and it was a huge job. 

Last week when I was packing, I started off all ‘Marie Kondo’ style. I was picking things up and asking - does this spark joy? I considered carefully what I wanted to keep, recycle and throw away. Then by the second or third day of packing, I had had enough and I just started throwing crap into boxes and taping it up. Haha! 

I just couldn't understand how we had accumulated so much stuff in the 18 months since we last moved. How did this happen? 

Sometimes in life less is more. We just want things to be simple. 

I’ve had a couple of conversations recently with some friends who are also in business, and we’ve discussed what we want to focus on this year. What we want to be known for, how we want to make a living, and the contribution we want to make. Narrowing it down and keeping it simple. 

I also saw an example of this in a post from a girlfriend a few weeks ago. She was talking about the relationships in her life, the friends and acquaintances she was trying to keep up with, the hectic dating scene. She realised that she already had a small group of amazing people in her life and wanted to focus on them right now. They were her priority. Simple. 

Now, I believe that there will be times in your life when you have more – more stuff, more relationships, more balls in the air, more focus points. When you’re comfortable and feeling secure, maybe when you’ve been in a relationship or a role or an organisation for a long time, you can relax and let “things” build. Accumulate more. This can be perfect and you can really enjoy this time. 

It only becomes an issue when you want to move; when you want to make a change in your life. Maybe you want out of a relationship and into a new one; maybe you want to enter a new business market; maybe you want to change jobs. 

Right now, in your life: 

  • Are you on the move? 

  • Is there some aspect of your life that you want to change? 

  • Does that change feel heavy? 

  • What do you want to take on the move with you? 

  • What do you want to leave behind? 

If the move feels too much like hard work; if it feels too heavy, you’ll give up. You’ll go back to what feels comfortable. 

It's time to lighten the load and get excited about your next adventure!

Champagne and Sunshine, 

Midja x 


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