Don't Let Them Knock Down Your Confidence Tree
UNSHAKEABLE CONFIDENCE comes down to 3 things:
The first step to gaining confidence is to truly know yourself. You need to heighten your self-awareness and understand the real you.
The next step is to be yourself. This is about embracing your authenticity and learing how to fully self-express.
The final step is to be yourself. This is when you develop an unwavering self-belief in who you are and what you can achieve.
In my book, 'Confidence - How to be Your Most Authentic Courageous and Unshakeable Self', I describe the Confidence Tree. At the bottom of the tree, you feel lost and precarious, unsure of who you are. As you move up the tree, you feel steady and then growing, discovering who you are and starting to believe in your potential. At the top of the tree, you are unshakeable. Your tree is now strong and it bears fruits, flowers and an abundance of leaves.
How strong is your confidence tree right now?
Is something or someone trying to knock down your tree?
I've had a number of conversations with women over the last few months who have felt like others have been picking at the leaves of their confidence tree, maybe snapping off a branch. Slowly getting inside their heads and planting negative beliefs; isolating them and growing their self-doubt.
I believe the most important thing we can do is to create awareness when someone or something starts picking away at our confidence - identify it and take action. Don't wait for them to start chopping into your trunk! Know the signs for you and come up with a plan to nurture yourself and regain your confidence by:
taking some time out to reconnect with your purpose and personal values
strengthening your trunk through reaching out to people who give you positive energy
assessing your current situation and asking yourself the hard questions: Is this sustainable? What's the outcome if nothing changes? Am I willing to accept this outcome?
Here's to building our awareness, courage and confidence to step up in our careers and make our mark.
More about this at our Women at the Table event next week, hope to see you there!
Midja x