4 Ways To Know You’ll Still Be Here in June
On the 2nd January, I walked into my gym and gasped out loud. There was not a spare weights machine or bench in the whole place. Wowsers! New Year’s resolutions in full swing.
I was so excited by the energy in the room but I couldn’t help but think, how many of these people will I still see here in June? (or even February?)
What does it take it develop a new habit and keep it?
I recently read Atomic Habits by James Clear (recommended to me by so many people) where he describes the 4 laws of behaviour change, based on the human habit loop:
Cue: Make it obvious.
Craving: Make it attractive.
Response: Make it easy.
Reward: Make it satisfying.
I like all 4 of these laws but for me it was number 4 - the reward law - which changed my exercise habit. It was 18 months ago and I was down in Melbourne facilitating a 4-day leadership course. It had been 3 huge 8-hour days on my feet presenting.
It was day 4 and I arrived at the client’s office at 7:30am. I sat down in the bathroom. I had nothing left to give. My head was in my hands. I felt exhausted and I had another high-energy 8-hour day in front of me. Of course, I rallied, gave myself a good talking to and facilitated for the next 8 hours, but it was a tough day.
I hated that feeling and I never wanted it again. That day I decided that my habits had to change. It was connecting a new habit with an existing purpose and passion that made all the difference. I want to be able to bring it every time I present and facilitate. It’s pure joy for me. The new exercise habit stuck because I could connect it with something I deeply care about. That was the reward, which continues to this day.
So, I’m keen to hear about a new habit you want to develop. Reply to this email and answer these questions:
What is it?
Why is it so important?
How does it connect with your deeper purpose?