3 Things Your Team Needs
As a leader, you need to give your people something to run towards, not something to run away from.
I think we've all known leaders who have ruled through fear. They use fear as a key driver and motivator, and it becomes a cultural norm.
With this leadership style, you might get compliance from your people (because they’re scared of you), but you’re never going to get heartfelt commitment; the type of commitment that leads to top performance.
When people are running from something, they're looking behind them. They’re stumbling, falling, tripping up and they’re slow, but when people are running towards something, they’re focused and determined. They’re agile and fast.
So how do you create a workplace environment where people are running towards something?
You have to create a strong belief in 2 things:
Belief in you as a leader.
Belief in your vision.
In leadership, you have to give your people the who, what and why. They have to know:
WHO you are – your values.
WHAT you want them to achieve – the goal.
WHY you want them to achieve it – the purpose.
Once you’ve done that, you then have to hand over the HOW to your people.
Let them discover HOW they can contribute in the most meaningful way. Give them ownership. Let them use their magic. Encourage their creativity.
THE RESULT? They will set their eyes on the end goal, run towards it and give their very best.
Champagne and Sunshine,
Midja x