I'm Stuck.
I’m recording this week’s video blog a little later in the day than usual. Why? Well, I hit a stumbling block. This morning, I took the kids to school, cleaned up the kitchen mess, put on a load of washing and then sat down at my laptop with paper, pens and my flipchart to begin writing and ………….nothing! I was just like ‘whatever’.
You see, lately I’ve been feeling like I’m in quicksand. I don’t want to go back but I can’t move forward either. Have you ever felt like this? You want to create change but you don’t know what that change should be.
All you know is that you can’t stay where you are and you can’t keep doing the same things. You’re asking yourself questions like, ‘What the hell am I doing here?’, ‘Is anything I’m doing actually making a difference?’ and ‘What should I do next?’
When you are feeling this way; when you are feeling stuck with a process, a routine, your work, or with a relationship, you need to do three things:
Reach out. Talk to a friend and share how you are feeling. Get it all out. Acknowledge this feeling of being stuck. This morning, the first thing I did was reach out to a friend. We spoke for over an hour and I got a lot of things that have been buzzing around in my head, out of my mouth. It felt sooo good. (thank you x)
Self-Reflect. Ask yourself some big questions like: What is my purpose? What’s currently working and why? What’s not working and why? How does all of this connect with my core values? What is the difference I want to make in people’s lives? This is the perfect time to re-evaluate and re-connect.
Try something different. If you keep doing the same thing, you’re going to keep getting the same result. Something has to change. As my friend asked me this morning - ‘How can you shake this up Midja?’ Love it.
So, for me, I don’t know what ‘Mondays with Midja’ holds for the future. I don’t know what it will look like but there are 2 things that must remain. Firstly, authenticity and keeping it real and secondly, being of service to others. If I’m not making a difference in someone’s life than what am I doing it for.
The questions I want to ask you: Is there a part of your life that needs a shake up? What can you to differently to get a different result?
Happy Monday!
Midja x