How Do You Sharpen Your Saw?

Last week I was in Sydney, running a workshop with a group of leaders in the disability support industry. Tough work but extremely rewarding. They shared with me some of the emotional stories of their clients and how they’re making a difference in their lives. Many of them told me that at the end of a long shift, there’s very little left in the tank. Nothing left to give to their partners, family, and friends. And of course, to themselves. 

This is not a unique problem for this group of leaders. I talk to people almost daily about a concept I call ‘personal sustainability’ – creating a lifestyle that meets your needs now without compromising your needs in the future. 

In Dr Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People he discusses the concept of ‘Sharpening the Saw’ as a daily practice, essential to preserving the greatest asset you have – YOU! It encourages people to take time for activities that enhance their overall well-being, such as exercise, learning, relaxation, and reflection. 

I’ve just touched down in Melbourne and about to spend the week here presenting; long 7–hour days on my feet. I want to give these clients the very best experience. I want to show up every day this week, being fully present and ready to engage. On the weekend I took time out to do all my favourite things that I know fill my cup – live music (my absolute fav!), coffee and conversation with my besties and a swim over at Main Beach.

I feel ready for the week ahead. So tell me….

How do you sharpen your own saw?
Do you take time out to renew and refresh every day? 
What do you do consistency that gives you the energy and resilience to do your best every day?

Your daily and weekly self-renewal habits are uniquely yours. It doesn’t matter what they are, as long as they work for you. These practices will get the results you want today, but also tomorrow and the next day and the next day…..  


One Extreme to Another


The Power of a Sticky Note