Will You Get To The Point?
People reach out and often ask to meet with me. I love it but occasionally I’ll meet with someone and we’ll be a reasonable way into the conversation, when I still don't know why I'm there. Hmmm….
I'm thinking to myself, “Do you want to sell me something? Do you want to buy something from me? Or maybe you just want to be my friend and hang out? Maybe you want to date me? Lol. I just don't know.
Have you ever found yourself in a similar position? It can be frustrating, right? As a leader, every hour is rush hour in your organisation. You're busy and so are your team members.
One of the greatest gifts that you can give to your team is direct and succinct communication that gets to the point.
Not in a heartless, ‘I don’t care’ way but in a way that shows them respect and values their time.
Now this can be tough if it's a tricky situation or if it's some feedback that you need to give and you're a little anxious about it. When we feel like this, sometimes we can tip toe around the issue. We can do a little song and dance before we get to the point.
In coaching, I can see a conversation go on for 10, 15, even 20 minutes before the leader has actually got to the goal of the conversation i.e.: what it is that they actually want to talk to the person about. When this happens, I can see the team member sitting there looking a little bewildered and nervous, thinking “What is this all about? Why are we having coffee? Am I in trouble or not?"
Not a great move to inspire trust and confidence in your leadership.
When communicating as a leader:
Thoughtfully consider what you want to say and why
Come up with the best method of communication in the particular circumstance – how, when and where
And then deliver your message succinctly.
Clear and direct communication (without the waffle) builds trust and rapport. People know where they stand with you. It strengthens your relationships and your reputation as a leader.
Don’t be afraid to get to the point.
Champagne and Sunshine,
Midja x