How to Emerge From Your Cocoon

How are you feeling in your cocoon? 

This week, I've been imagining all of us nestled into our own little cocoons, surrounded by a protective coating. It’s a place where we all need to be right now to stay safe and well. 

Cocoons are magical spaces of transformation and regeneration. This is a time for you to look after yourself and then emerge, feeling strong, confident and ready to do your best work. A kind of metamorphosis if you like.

So, what do you need to be doing right now in your cocoon in order to be ready? 

For me, I've come up with my three C's.

  1. Cut. I’m always complaining that I don't have enough time to exercise. Well, guess what? Now I do. I want to emerge feeling the physically strongest I've ever felt. 

  2. Content. I want to write and create content every single day. I want enough content for my next 2 books. I want my writing to make a difference in the challenging times ahead. 

  3. Connection. I want to come out of this time with stronger, deeper relationships with the people in my inner circle. I now have time to have real conversations with the people who mean the most to me, instead of the transactional ones we usually engage in when we're super busy.

So, what is it for you? What do you need to focus on? 

I’ve seen so many examples of people on my social media feeds, doing what feels right, what brings them joy, what helps them during this unique time. 

People are cooking and baking. People are reading books that they've never got to read before. People are out in the sunshine gardening. People are helping others in their neighbourhood community. People are playing board games and card games with their kids. People are resting and catching up with sleep.

It doesn't matter what it is. You know within yourself what you need right now. Go deep and think about what it is you need to do every day to feel connected with your heart, body, mind, and spirit. 

Sometime soon, you’ll emerge from your cocoon and you’ll be absolutely ready to take flight! 

Champagne and Sunshine,

Midja x 


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