3 Steps to Build Your Self-Worth
Do you connect your self-worth with a particular role that you play in your life?
For me, my self-worth was measured by a number of different roles. The first one being a solicitor and partner of a law firm and the second role being a wife. A couple of years ago in 2016, both of those roles no longer existed for me. Ouch!!
You see, when you measure your self-worth with anything that is external to yourself, you’re taking a big risk because everything outside of you, is out of your control. So if there comes a time when you no longer get to play that role, your self-worth and confidence takes a dive.
Often you see this when people lose their job or retire or divorce or their kids move out of home; because they are no longer playing a particular role, they feel lost and worthless. They don't know who they are anymore.
It’s vital that you use the right measurement tool when it comes to your self-worth, otherwise it's like trying to measure your weight with a ruler. It just doesn’t work.
Your self-worth has to be measured internally. It's about how you see yourself, who you are and what you stand for. If you use external measures you risk staying in a job or a relationship for way too long because you're afraid to leave. You’re afraid to no longer play that role.
If your self-worth is built on who you are, you’ll keep your confidence through life’s ups and downs. In fact, you’ll accomplish more and take more risks.
3 Steps to Build your Self-Worth
Take the time to get to really get to know yourself and what makes you tick.
Treat yourself with respect and love. Treat yourself like you are worth it because you are! Put yourself first.
Replace any negative self-talk with positive useful beliefs- you are enough, you are worthy.
"The surest way to lose your self-worth is to find it through the eyes of others." ( Becca Lee) So, it’s time to measure your self-worth by looking within.
Midja x